Publishing News
May 31, 2023

So much has happened this year! The most exciting thing is my multi-generational picture book story about dementia, THE MEMORY JAR, is out in the world. Publication day was April 11, 2023. I'm grateful to my editor at Roan & Weatherford Publishing/Young Dragons, Amy Cowan, for all her help in getting my story published. I'm grateful to my editor, Clarissa Willis, for seeing the potential in my story and for offering me a contract in April 2021. Victoria Marble did an amazing job illustrating the story, and she and Casey Cowan designed a gorgeous cover.
Support for this book has been overwhelming. Amy informed me they had 320 pre-orders. The reviews on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and GoodReads touch my heart. The comments and support I've received on twitter and Facebook have all been positive and uplifting.
I'm looking forward to the other books of mine that Young Dragons plans to publish. GRANDPA'S BARN has an August 2024 release date. HEART OF STONE, 2025. And May 19, 2023, I signed a contract for a fourth book. GRANDMOTHER'S QUILT will be released in 2026. A book a year! Yea!
I'm also grateful for my agent, Dawn Dowdle, of the Blue Ridge Literary Agency. She is sending my manuscripts to publishers that only accept agented submissions. There have been a few close calls, but as yet, no offers. Dawn did handle my last contract with Young Dragons. I brought her into the mix after getting an offer on my submission. Dawn presently has five of my manuscripts out on submissions.
The interviews I've done with authors and bloggers have been fun. Here are the links to the interviews: The Weekly 411 (3/17/23) ( The Joy of Remembering: A Review of The Memory Jar | Butler's Pantry ( The Memory Jar by Debra Daugherty plus a GIVEAWAY! ( Group Blog: THE MEMORY JAR By Debra Daugherty ( Happy Book Birthday! – Through the Prairie Garden Gate ( Write. Read. Live.: Chatting with author Debra Daugherty ( New Children's Book by Debra Daugherty - KRYSTEN LINDSAY HAGER TAKE 5 WITH DEBRA DAUGHERTY – Becky Walker Books
Becky Walker designed a worksheet for THE MEMORY JAR and included it with her interview. She has given me permission to share it on my sites. It's a wonderful activity for kids to help them get started with their own memory jar. Here is the download link:
THE MEMORY JAR is special to me because of my Aunt Luella. She had Alzheimer's. She is the person who inspired this story, and I dedicated the book to her memory. I believe she would be happy to know how many lives this story has touched.
Cherish your memories!