Happy 3rd Book Birthday to THE DRAGON'S RING!

My novel, THE DRAGON'S RING, came out three years ago, on July 28, 2016.
My publisher kept telling me my book would be released the end of August. On August, 1, I received an email from her saying she erred. It had been released four days earlier!
The day I received her news was the same day my writers group met at the library in Chatham, IL. When I entered the meeting room, I was greeted with congratulations, a cake with the image of my book cover, and gifts. These wonderful writer friends planned a surprise party for me, not knowing about the change in my book release date. The fact that the party happened on the same day I learned the news, seemed like fate.
One of my favorite gifts was a charm bracelet, with two charms. One, a princess crown, representing the princess/heroine of my story, and a star, as in shoot for the stars. I've since added a cat, for the one in my picture book that was published in 2013, a bee, for as busy as one based on my name Debra, a shamrock, because I am Irish and for good luck, and a butterfly, a homage to my mother who passed away in 1997. I hope to add more charms to represent future books I publish.
The year my book was released had been a tough and scary one for me. in February I underwent several tests and biopsies and learned I had endometrial cancer. While I was signing my book contract and working on revisions, I was also going through surgery and recovery. My cancer was removed, via a total hysterectomy, along with some lymph nodes, and my prognosis was excellent. I didn't need chemo or radiation!
Working on my book revisions were a wonderful distraction from my worries and surgery. Knowing my book was going to be published gave me hope.
This year my book and I are both celebrating anniversaries. I am now three years cancer free. I have two more years to go before my cancer doctor will release me and officially announce I'm cancer free, but all is good.
In an interview I did that year for my local paper, I said I get through each day by trusting in the Lord and counting my blessings. This is still true for me today.
So happy birthday, dear book, that helped me survive a year of uncertainty and fear. And may we both have many more birthdays to come!