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Author Interviews

Today, my latest author interview is live at

I enjoyed being interviewed by Fiona Mcvie. She asked some tough questions. The one easy question, "What is my age?," I messed up. I said I'm a young 61, but realize now that the interview is online, I'm actually 62. LOL. If one has to be wrong about anything, being wrong about age is good, as long as it's making you younger, not older.

Doing author interviews is fun and insightful. The questions can be simple, like "What is your favorite color?," to tough, "If you could meet any person, past or present, who would it be and why?"

When pondering answers to some questions, I learn new things about myself. I never thought before about what my favorite music was, but thanks to Fiona's question, I realize when it comes to music, I'm stuck in the 60's, the years of my youth. I'd rather listen to a Beatles' song than a Justin Biever's. No offense, Justin. My young niece is still a fan.

Interviews renew my love of writing. I am reminded of when I started, who inspired me, what is my favorite genre,and what motivates me.

I'm never sure how many people read author interviews. The jump in book sales don't materialize. I do get likes and congrats from fellow writers when I post the links on twitter and my Facebook pages. I've discovered that writers are my biggest source of encouragement. We all share our disappointments and successes on line, and commiserate or rejoice together.

When answering interview questions, the writer in me takes over. My answers can run long, as if I'm writing pages for a book. I do my best to write flawlessly and with intelligence, calling on my writer's voice to answer for me. And like with my writing, I am never satisfied.

When I read my interview once it's posted, I think, "Why did I say that?" when I should have said ....something else. There's no do-over with an interview. Once it's online, those words will always be "out there" to make you cringe and feel like you could have done better.

There's no need to worry. Tomorrow, the next interview will be live, and yours will fade away from everyone's memory but your own. When doing an interview, have fun. "Enjoy the ride." Bask in the "15 minutes of fame." And strive to do better next time.

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