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Happy Spring!

Happy Spring to all! Today is beautiful. The sun is shining, the temp is in the low 70's and I've shed my jacket. My back door is open to let in the refreshing Spring air. My dogs are loving it, running in and out at will. It's too beautiful a day to spend indoors, and after I finish this blog, I'm heading outside.

In my last posting I wrote about the exciting news I received from a publishing company. The publishers offered me a contract for my YA series. My search for an agent to help in this deal failed, although I did receive some lovely notes from some, and congratulatory wishes.

I turned down the offer. After reading the clauses in the contract, it didn't feel right for me. I feared giving away too much of my rights as an author. An agent might have been able to negotiate changes to my benefit, but being unsure of what needed to be done, and also hesitant because this was a new publishing company just starting out, I decided it was not the right home for my novels. So I am back to submitting to agents and publishers.

I do wish this company loads of success, and may someday regret my decision, but I had to go with my gut feeling and intuition.

As the new Springfield Area SCBWI network representative, my first order of business was arranging a place for a guest speaker. Author Alice McGinty. to give her program on "psychological needs being met in children's books to make emotional power in writing." Pizza Ranch restaurant in Springfield, IL has agreed to let our writers group meet there for this program, even though our number is less than the usual number needed to have a private room. I promised twelve, but hope more will come. Spouses and guests are invited to this, and Juli is asking the downstate writers group to join us. I'd love to fill the room. Alice is kind enough to drive this distance to speak to us, I'd like to see a large crowd to benefit from her words.

March was the month to submit for SCBWI's Work-in-Progress grant, and I have already sent mine in. I've also encouraged others to submit, too, and am especially pleased that some writers in my group have already.

Writing has its ups and downs, its highs and lows, and this month has shown me plenty of both. I hope the next time I have good news, it will stick, and I'll be able to say, "THE LONDON INCIDENT is under contract." This book, and its sequels, have tremendous potential. I just need the right agent and the right publisher to see it.

Keep writing, but don't forget to take time out for yourself to enjoy the small wonders and beauty around you.

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