Good News to Share
I have some good news to share:
Last week a publisher for a small press publishing company requested the FULL, after reading the first five pages I sent with my query letter. This is a quote from her letter:
"Thank you for taking the time to submit THE LONDON INCIDENT for our consideration. I shared your submission with my partner, and we both were interested immediately.
The only disappointment I had with the 5 pages was that I wanted more right away! The writing was tight and exciting. I liked the concept quite a bit and am glad to hear you have plans for a series. Are those finished, or are they still works in progress? (It's fine either way. I'm just curious.)" A few days later I received this news from the same publisher:
"Congratulations! I have read and reviewed THE LONDON INCIDENT and would love to offer you a contract for publication with our Middle Grade and Young Adult imprint!
The book was such a fun story! It moved along at a great pace and I literally could not put it down. I can't wait to read the sequels!
If you are interested in signing a contract for publication of your book, please let us know when you will be available to speak with me over the phone. This weekend will be busy for us, but I have some availability on Monday or Tuesday, if that would work for you. Just to let you know, we are in the Eastern Time Zone, so keep that in mind when finding a time. I'd like to discuss your manuscript and the next steps in our publication process.
We loved your book and we’re excited about the opportunity to work with you."
Our phone conference is set for Wedneday, March 8, at 2:30 P.M. EST, 1:30 P.M. my time. I do know this is a print and ebook publishing house and 20% royalties to the author. Not knowing much about contracts, despite the fact I did one with MeeGenius and then Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for picture book CALAMITY CAT, and with Astrae Press for THE DRAGON'S RING, I have been contacting agents. One has definitely promised to get back with me, and she would be a dream agent to work with. I am hoping she sees the potential I have to offer.
Besides the good news on my YA series, a publisher has also shown interest in my picture book, COLIN CAN'T CROW. After reading my query, she asked for the manuscript, and from the tone of her letter, I sensed she liked my story idea.
On a sad note, the leader of the Scribes,my writers group, Cynda Strong, is stepping down because of conflicting schedules. She asked me to take her place. I accepted only if two other ladies in my group were asked first, as they have been members of our group longer than I have. They declined, so the job is mine. Cynda is a touch act to follow, so I hope I do her proud. Tonight is our meeting, and the first time I'[ll be in charge. We meet the first Monday of every month at the Chatham, IL Library. As the new SCBWI Network rep, I will be working with the Illinois Chapter. One of the members of this chapter is Alice McGinty, and tonight our group will be discussing having Alice as a guest speaker at our April meeting.
I am so proud of the ladies and gents in this small group. Many are already published. One has recently signed with an agent. Besides being excellent writers, a few are also fantastic illustrators. Some are gaining confidence and are now submitting to agents, publishers and entering writing contests. And all are supportive of each other, offering words of advice and encouragement, and sharing in the good news of each member. We're a small group, but mighty and productive.
I'm excited and nervous about the phone call this Wednesday. I know this is a small press company, but to have a publisher who loves my work is encouraging. I'm hoping the choice I make will be the best one for me and my novel.